Monday, April 14, 2008

The rose and the girl ...

I was taking a casual stroll down mg-brigade road last Sunday , the 13th of April ; one of those carefree citizen walks that I religiously take when my mind spins thoughts. I was excited of course as I was holding the prestigious "Rolling Stone Magazine " with the cover photo of rock gods Led Zeppelin.

Sundays can be boring ,especially when on the rare odd weekend day all your friends have something or the other to do.

So, I crossed Nilgiris, and headed straight ahead when I saw her standing right across the red formidable Levis building holding a bunch of red roses,wearing a maroon kurta and a tattered denim jacket.A girl , not more than 10 , one of the prettiest creations of the Lord, left behind , to earn a living by pleading men and women to buy at least one of those flowers. Her face bears a withered look unlike the other children of her age who love frolicking around in company of their loved ones.

I had seen her earlier .I reminisced , how well she had managed ,on an earlier occasion ,to have a lad buy roses so that he could impress his lady.
Hah!! Life is after all impressing pretty maidens isn't it???

I continue to walk, but she keeps on coming in my mind...I try to shoo the thoughts away, but she had already gained the focus.In a country like India its sad that we still have girls who have to tread on their innocence and at such a tender age sell flowers to earn bread.
Ya,ya we have NGOs ..they are all there ...They are there to take care of them..Why should we bother?? Look how pretty the lady next to India coffe house is..She is wearing such a provocative dress..Woooooo .......

In the backdrop two motorbikes collide- the riders roll on the road-a mob gathers-no one is hurt-...Its all happening..

Right,we are great..We lead "meaningful" lives.. What a pity !!!!! It takes a "Taare Zameen Par" or a "Peace Tree" for us to resolve to show responsibility towards the underprevileged...and mind you the spirit evaporates much before the movie hangover dies out !!!

There are people who take actions on these, they are people who give a damn, there are a few who want to help but are too lethargic to move forward and lend a helping hand, and there are yet a few who will do nothing but sit back and type the keybaord and be "proud" bloggers of an elaborate article.

I go back to the place I saw her, I couldnot find her ....She was not there..I wait for her, she is gone....probably to some other dark corner where she can find someone kind in the heart willing to spend a few bucks buying a rose...

Next time you see her, standing across the red formidable levis building wearing a maroon kurta and a tattered denim jeans,,, buy HER a rose.....

It will help her buy a piece of bread and in turn will help you BUY a piece of PEACE !!!


exploring life said...

sadly, its India.. how i wish and pray that we all could do something positive to eradicate this painful situation..
well portrayed..

ritu said...

wel i have also felt the sme way each time i see that girl sellin roses in brigade road...but wht we can do abt millions of such girl sufferin in our a million dollar question...the solution dusnt lie in buyin a rose from her but in a consorted effort wherein al of us come together n bail these people out of the misery in whtever little way we gods grace we are the so called privileged sections of the society who have got the best of education n the best of its time tht we realy prove it 2 ourselves tht we arent merely degree holders but educated responsible citizens