Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Technology is a drug ..
We cant get enough of it .

We feed it to our kids , to our friends and to the society and watch them grow on a forced diet of desinsitization.Switch on the t.v and someone will tell you 50,000 people died in India. Two seconds later you are watching a comedy .Technology can do that.It gives us simulated realities that make us oblivious to the real world.Grass and Heroin do the same thing !!So do most class A drugs.Basically we are all addicts---addicted to the comfort and convinience that technology provides--addicted to the notion that progress is directly related to the size of our computer screen. Of course it is , isnt it??? We must be right....We come from a developed world..We are already developed.Sure. Then again , there are wealthy kids in America who shoot each other. Many Scarlett Keeling s from accross the globe fall prey to human savagery,get raped and killed .

So who's developed???
I met a little fellow in the town of Tumkur and asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up.He said "Insaan"...!!!

When I look in front of me, I see two paths - spiritual or material . Two worlds- developed or developing.You decide which is which .We are still in the wake of millenium paranoia -earthquakes,floods,end of world scenarios, cult suicides, viral deseases that eat into our computer realities. This is our developed world.

Then as Nelson Mandela says"We are free to be free"

I guess we make our own prophecies.

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